Saturday, February 25, 2017

See you all on Monday!

I missed you guys this week! We had a great visit at Angelo Catholic School. It's amazing to see the wonderful things that Catholic Education provides for our Diocese. Can't wait to see you all on Monday!

Friday, February 24, 2017


We're still working on Multiplication Facts! Please continue to study them daily, even if you have passed all your timed tests. This will be crucial to helping you in 4th grade! Here is a little chart to help continue through memorization. Keep up the good work!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Meteorology Unit

I'm so excited to start unit in Science: Meteorology! This is my favorite topic to discuss in Science and is a great way to get us prepared for the following units. 

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Family Life Consent Forms

Our Family Life Unit will begin soon! In order for the class to proceed with this wonderful unit, please be sure to turn in your consent forms. Thank you so much for your help and support and if you have any questions over what material will be covered please refer to the Parent Connection Booklet that was sent home in Tuesday Folder. There are also sample booklets of the curriculum for your viewing in the office of the school. Thank you again!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


We're continuing with syllables in Phonics. Here is a quick reminder to our syllabication rules.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Reading Skills

We've been working with utilizing more reading skills in our class novel, "Because of Winn Dixie." Here is a great chart that collects many of the concepts we have discussed in class. You can utilize this when reading your own personal novels and build comprehension.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Student Appreciation Day Tomorrow!

The teachers here at St. Ann's have to be the luckiest group of educators on the planet. We have such amazing students.Now it's our turn to show appreciation for our amazing students! Please come to school tomorrow "Dressed for Success." 

Happy Volunteer Appreciation Day!

Today we celebrate our volunteers. Our volunteers spend countless hours helping with everything from Hot Dog Day, Pizza Day, class parties, masses, and many other events. Time, treasures, and talent are donated more than we can even count and your generosity allows our school to function. Thank you! P

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Parts of the Mass

The Order of Mass 
The Mass is the most important sacramental celebration of the Church, and it always follows a set order.
Introductory Rites—preparing to celebrate the Eucharist
Entrance Chant
We gather as a community and praise God in song.
We pray the Sign of the Cross. The priest welcomes us.
Penitential Rite 
We remember our sins and ask God for mercy.
We praise God in song.
 We ask God to hear our prayers.
Liturgy of the Word—hearing God’s plan of salvation
First Reading
We listen to God’s Word, usually from the Old Testament.
Responsorial Psalm
We respond to God’s Word in song.
Second Reading
We listen to God’s Word from the New Testament.
Gospel Acclamation
We sing “Alleluia!” to praise God for the Good News. During Lent, we use a different acclamation.
Gospel Reading 
We stand and listen to the Gospel of the Lord.
The priest or the deacon explains God’s Word.
Profession of Faith 
We proclaim our faith through the Creed.
Prayer of the Faithful
We pray for our needs and the needs of others.
Liturgy of the Eucharist—celebrating Christ’s presence in the Eucharist
Presentation and Preparation of the Gifts 
We bring gifts of bread and wine to the altar.
Prayer over the Offerings
The priest prays that God will accept our sacrifice.
Eucharistic Prayer 
This prayer of thanksgiving is the center and high point of the entire celebration.
  • Preface—We give thanks and praise to God.
  • Holy, Holy, Holy—We sing an acclamation of praise.
  • Consecration—The bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
  • The Mystery of Faith—We proclaim the mystery of our faith.
  • Amen—We affirm the words and actions of the Eucharistic Prayer.
Communion Ritereceiving the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ
Lord’s Prayer—We pray the Our Father.
Sign of Peace—We offer one another Christ’s peace.
Lamb of God—We pray for forgiveness, mercy, and peace.
Communion—We receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
Prayer After Communion—We pray that the Eucharist will strengthen us to live as Jesus did.
Concluding Rites—going forth to glorify the Lord by our lives
Final Blessing 
We receive God’s blessing.
We go in peace, glorifying the Lord by our lives.

February News