Saturday, October 17, 2015

Saint Reports Complete!

We are all done constructing our Saint Reports! Thank you parents for all your efforts in research and writing. Students, you did a great job and worked very hard! Now, we just need to focus on practicing our reports and costumes.

I hope the costume planning is going well. I've already heard that some students have begun or even finished their costumes! That's great! If you have any issues with your costume, PLEASE don't hesitate to let me know and we can come up with a solution.

I'm so excited for this project and the students' progress. Please let me know if you need any help or have any questions regarding the project. I note will go home in Tuesday folder with our schedule for that morning.
Here are a few tips for practicing an oral presentation:
  • Make eye contact frequently - Make sure your eyes leave your paper occasionally to engage your audience
  • Speak clearly (slowly) - Don't rush your report. The audience is interested in learning about your Saint. Speaking clearly and slowly allow them to understand you better.
  • Speak at a good volume - No, you don't have to strain your voice, but make sure you are speaking loud enough for your audience to hear.
  • Practicing saying your report MANY times - It may feel tedious, but the more you say it the more comfortable you feel speaking, and it helps you to not stumble over difficult words. 

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