Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Fun Ways to Count Money

Looking for some fun ways to count money? These are so enjoyable you won't even realize you're doing math!
1.     Money Memory- Make a money concentration game with 20 index cards, magazine pictures and coin stickers or stamps.  Have your child look through magazines and cut out pictures of ten items that he would like to purchase.  Have him glue each picture on an index card.  Draw a price tag on each picture.  On the other ten cards, put coin stickers or stamps that equal the prices of the objects shown on the other cards.  To play, shuffle and spread the cards face down on a playing surface. One player chooses two cards.  If she gets a match, she gets to go again.  If they do not get a match, the cards are returned and the next player picks two cards.
2.     Penny-a-Day- Purchase four disposable plastic cups.  Label each cup with a different coin name (penny, nickel, dime, quarter).  Each day give your child a penny to place in the penny cup.  When he reaches 5¢ in the penny cup, allow him to trade for a nickel and put in the correct cup.  Encourage them to keep trading for larger and larger coins as they save money.
3.     Coin Toss- Place a plastic bowl on the floor several feet away from your child.  Give her 10 play coins.  Instruct her to toss the coins into the bowl.  She then counts the coins that land in the bowl.
3.     How Many Ways? - Each day review counting money by asking your child to show you different combinations of coins that equal the date.  For instance: Today is the 21st.  Show me how many different ways you can make 21¢ using coins.
4.     Grocery Store- Buy a package of garage sale stickers or use a roll of masking tape to make price tags.  Place them on several grocery items and write a price on each.  Place the priced items on the table and invite your child to go ‘shopping’.  He can use real or play coins to purchase the items. Older children can practice making change.
5.     Egg-celent Shake-up- Recycle your old cardboard egg cartons.  Place a handful of coins in a cardboard egg carton.  Close the lid and have your child shake it up.  When she opens the lid, ask her to count the coins in each section of the carton.
6.     Race to a Dollar- Grab a pair of dice, a bag of coins, a partner and you’re ready to go!  To play, one person rolls the dice.  She takes the same number of coins as the number that they roll.  Play continues until one player reaches a dollar. 
7.   Create a Catalog- Get several pieces of construction paper and have your child create their own catalog by drawing pictures of things that they like.  You can even write descriptions beside the drawings.   Help him accurately price each item.  Using play coins and bills, allow him to ‘purchase’ the item and count out the money needed.

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