Monday, September 26, 2016

Saint Study!

Hello Families! 
In your Tuesday Folder tomorrow, you and your child will receive a packet about our Saint Study Project that we will be working on over the course of the next several weeks. Please review this information carefully with your child. It outlines what should be expected over the next month while we construct our reports in class and practice for our presentations. The most important thing you can do at home is to research the list of Saints that are given and choose some that your child might be interested in doing. Please return this form no later than Friday, September 30th. If your child has no preference as to which Saint they research, they do not need to return the list of Saints to class and we will choose one for them. Your child will be given their Saint by the end of the day on September 30th. Please take time to look up some information about their Saint so they will be prepared to work on it in class. We are so excited for this project. It is one of the most exciting things we do all year. If you would like to look at some places to research Saints, or look at some examples of costumes, please refer to the Resources section. Thank you so much! I am looking forward to working on this project with your children.

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